What is Retrieval Augmented Generation?

TL;DR This blogpost tries to explain Retrieval Augmented Generation. Retrieval Augmented Generation is an Architecture used for NLP tasks which can be used to productionize LLM models for enterprise architecture easily. Why should i care? Intuitive would be to train a Large Language Model with domain specific data, in other words, to fine-tune the model-weights with custom data. picture from Neo4J But fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) is a complex and resource-intensive process due to several key factors:...

September 29, 2023 · 8 min

Generalized Models vs Specialized Models

TL;DR This blogpost focusses on ML Design and Architecture and tries to give some intuition and hints for deciding between one generalized and multiple specialized models for the same business requriement and dataset. Consider it a nudge to dive deeper into the topic Why should i care? Transparency in machine learning is crucial for business stakeholders because it fosters trust and informed decision-making. Business Stakeholders need to understand not only the potential benefits but also the limitations and risks associated with machine learning models....

September 5, 2023 · 7 min